Saturday, February 22, 2020

Christmas gifts for kids: the best toys and children’s clothes

Nothing is more rewarding than the gleam in a child's eyes on Christmas morning. Too clichéd? Perhaps. But seriously, hell hath no fury like a scorned child, and no one wants to see their gifts kicked to the island of misfit toys. So, at a time when a gift card for the app store, self-igniting phone cases and new episodes of Peppa Pig are the most longed-for goods, why not add something less ephemeral for the kids to enjoy.

Take the wooden teepee from John Lewis, for example. Admittedly, it is a bit out there, but the wi-fi will work within the wooden walls. Another add-on for the chic kid's Christmas gift guide would be baby's first bike by Banwood, from Liberty. There are other

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