Friday, April 17, 2020

Top 5 Best Transformers Toys with Drill Themed Alt Modes

-Kanrabat- wrote:For me, I prefer about all the Hasbro components for their unique moldings and toy colors. Only the drill tank suck.

I am surprised with the unique moldings comment. Only strafe and Afterburner had new headsculpts for instance, while the rest were all straight redecos of previously released toys. I get that it's a bit unfair to say about scattershot's head who is a redeco of retail scattershot but for the boxset, they couldn't even bother giving this combiner a new headsculpt, which was my default reasoning behind getting UW Computron instead.

Deadput wrote:And I love the drill from the Brawl mold version, tiny pointy drills are just as good as big drills.

That's just something fembots say to make the bots with small drills happy.

Bumblevivisector wrote:So this top 5 inevitably devolved into the old CW/UW Technobot debate.

As long as we are just having fun and distracted by the world going to hell, I'm ok with it. And thanks for your perspective on that debate!

ZeroWolf wrote:I'll echo others, Transmetal Scavenger needs to be on this list somewhere but I can appreciate it being hard to call with the other entries. Good job either Will!

Thanks! And he is here now that many have mentioned him. I agree that he is one of the best Transformers toys ever made and he got his due on my lists a couple of times, most recently here. For this list based on alt modes, I tried to keep it obvious, and I personally always felt his drills applied more to his robot mode. That's just me though.

Black Hat wrote:Hasbro Computron is a funny one. I actually prefer some of the more toy inspired deco choices, especially Afterburner and Scattershot's vehicle mode, and Strafe is kinda cool in his own right.

I think Hasbro even botched the toy decos. Afterburner is the wrong kind of orange. At least takara went all cartoon accurate while hasbro pulled their usual jack of all trades master of none thing with these guys.

I will say that I really love that Scattershot alt mode deco though, it's just a nice mix of red and white, highlighting the molded detail.

Windsweeper wrote:Always enjoy your lists.

Problem with 3 of these was availability. Drillhorn and United Nosecone were only available in Japan and Titans Return Twintwist had limited availability too.

Thanks! As for availability, I get the issue with the g1 toy (though one would argue that for any g1 toy for collectors who weren't even alive in the 80s), but UW Computron was available to any fan who wanted him and had acces to the internet. Hasbro computron was just as hard or easy to find, when thinking of global availability, with him being a boxset. In the end, both were boxsets you could buy from most online vendors and none were readily available at brick and mortar retail compared to the other retail combiners in the line.

Windsweeper wrote:As I said, I enjoyed the list. Considering the drill tank subject matter, it could have been boring...



Black Hat wrote:I'd be tempted to put Armada Drillbit in here as an honourable mention, largely because I do love me some Minicons, and Drillbit is a really cool one, with his drill arm and neat vehicle mode.

Drillbit is one of my all time favourite minicons, that's why I gave him a shout out on this list: ... oys/43762/

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