Thursday, April 2, 2020

Top 5 Beast Wars Toys of Show Characters

Every two weeks, brings you a Top 5 list related to all things Transformers written by me, your fellow editor. These are our opinions so what matters most is what you guys think of the topic or list, and I hope to see your own lists or comments on omissions and ranking. Let's have fun! All previous lists can be found here.

Top 5 Beast Wars Toys of Show Characters

I did a list of non show characters before, and even a list for the best Beast Machine toys, but there was one list just waiting to happen. That being of the Beast Wars toys for the characters found in the CG show that lasted for three seasons. Well, here it is!

5. Transformers Beast Wars Transmetal II Megatron (Dragon Megatron)

Hasbro and Takara went all out on this toy. Design wise, I just adore the asymetry that you obviously see in the robot mode with the arms and that is also found more subtly in the dragon mode with the differences on each side of the wings. The deco with the chrome i s absolutely lovely and I love all the extra gimmicks like the missiles for a firebreathing effect, the flapping wings that can also remain openned, and the long dragon neck that can be puppeteered. And I always loved the dynamic transformation of Beast Wars megatron where the toy has to be flipped into a different axis.




4. Transformers Beast Wars Transmetals Rampage

I was always impressed with how a robot mode that looks to be so back heavy can actually stand. Rampage pulls it off here and it gives him this very intimidating look. Which is odd when the he doesn't have an alt mode that you'd think would strike much fear. But the designers make you fear that crab by giving him the biggest pincers you could imagine. Also, of all the Transmetal toys, I feel he pulls off that third mode best, especially since it has a nice set of treads dedicated to it. And these treads actually work.





3. Transformers Beast Wars Transmetals Depth Charge

I know, not very original to have this guy right after his sworn enemy but its not my fault Hasbro gave these two rivals excellent toys. Once again, the manta ray is not an obvious alt mode a kid would think of in a show about robots turning into animals but the designers really sell it. The co lours are excellent and the chrome is a beautiful touch. They also do something here that I find fun with the chest conversion. In terms of the fiction, the manta ray head morphs to be smaller for his chest and they recreate that by having a smaller manta ray head under the bigger one in the alt mode, which I find to be a nice compromise for a sleeker look. His arsenal is awesome with his chest firing disks, a drone shark which becomes a cannon and his tail becoming a sword.




2. Transformers Beast Wars Fusors Silverbolt

What I truly love here is how they pulled off such a particular design. The flying wolf mode looks really good and feels like its own creature rather t han simply adding wings on a wolf. And then from that you get a great looking robot. I especially like all the new robot details, like the chest and skirt, that are nowhere to be found in the flying wolf mode. And those feather missiles have a great dual as both batons and a cool firing feature, along with being well incorporated into the alt mode. You know, I do miss the days when we had absolutely perfect toys that were original and simply wowed us.





1. Transformers Beast Wars Megatron

Yes this is one of my all time favourite toys but that doesn't cl oud my judgement in the least because him being the best toy from the original line was also why he was my favourite. I mean, think about it, it's the mid 90s and you get a big beautiful T-Rex toy that also transforms into a badass robot. And one of his hands is the T-Rex head, which can spray water when you open the T-Rex mouth. Which kid would not put this at the top of their Christmas list? I always found the transformation rather inspired with many shifts in axis. Even the MP, while offering more detail, folds and articulation, follows the same transformation steps. I guess if it ain't broke, don't fix it.





Honourable Mention: There is one toy that I don't know where to put so I will leave him here. Tripredicus is awesome and I give this combiner his due whenever I can. It was the better of two beast combiners with a very nice mix of components each contributing equal part to the combiner. The reason I leave him here is because these are characters on the show but they looked nothing like this toy.

ImageTransformers Beast Wars Tripredacus (Tripledacus) Gallery

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