Friday, March 6, 2020

Kevin from The Office and Bush’s Beans brings his famous chili to the world

Published Feb. 27

Kevin from The Office is back with another pot of his famous chili and, yes, it’s still in that giant steel pot.

Well, technically it’s Brian’s famous chili now.

Brian Baumgartner, the actor who played Kevin in each of the show’s nine seasons, partnered with Bush’s Beans for National Chili Day on Feb. 27 to make a video recreating the chili that sparked one of his character’s most famous blunders.

In the cold open of Casual Friday, the twenty-sixth episode of the show’s fifth season, Kevin is shown carrying a massive pot of chili into the office. In a voiceover, he tells how he tries to make the chili once a year. As he carries it up the stairs and into the office because of an out-of-service elevator, we hear him recount the recipe and care he takes to make it. He undercooks the onions, he stays up the night before to get it right and even toasts his own ancho chilis.

But as he tells us how serious he is about the stuff, the pot slips from his hand, flips over and the whole thing spills onto the floor by the reception desk. In true Kevin fashion, he grabs a clipboard from the desk and futilely tries to scoop the chili back into the pot, but winds up slipping in it and covering himself in it instead.

“It’s probably the thing I do best,” he says.

The scene quickly became one the series’ most beloved moments and launched its own universe of gifs and memes.

While Kevin doesn’t list beans in his chili recipe, in the new video Baumgartner tells us they “make the best chili even better" as he carefully prepares himself a bowl. And just as he celebrates his culinary victory, the chili, of course, winds up once again on the floor.

Happy Chili Day!

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